"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
Ephesians 2:10
MINISTRY PHILOSOPHYThe heart of a volunteer must be fixed on the Lord and be devoted to the service of His Body in this place. The strength of our work is gained from the harmonious pursuit of our duties in the spirit of love and joy, as together we glorify Jesus and labor in His Name. Commitment and faithfulness to the ministry is expected from all who serve. All volunteers have been attending the church for six months or longer.
Equip Classes
We encourage you to join us for our Equip classes to better understand the ministry at the Christian Center. They are available at the beginning of each year. Check the bulletin for upcoming classes.
Equip #1: Foundations In this class you will learn the basics of what we believe as Christians. Equip #2: Distinctives Pastor Steve walks through what makes the Christian Center distinct and what we believe. Equip #3: Called to Serve Called to Serve is designed to give information regarding the various ministries within the Christian Center and to better equip you to serve. |
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